Living Media India Limited
India Today - Millennium Money Back Offe

Newspapers & Magazines

My India Today - English magazine subscription for 10 years was under the “Millennium Money-Back Offer” as per the terms of which I am to receive Rs. 2500/- from India Today on completion of the subscription period. The subsciprtion got over on 28-June

The original “Money Back Certificate” bearing Sl. No. 1169 dated 18-04 has already been submitted in person at their Kolkata Office. The receipt of the same has been confirmed by their vide email dated 16th January sent by Ms. Latika – Customer Care Executive

The 10 year subscription period expired on 28-06. When I asked them for a refund of the Rs. 2500/- they want me to send the orginal certifcate to them OR execute an indemnity bond

Why should i send them an indeminity when they have received the original. The last email to their Customer Care Dept was sent by me on 19th August – since then I have not received reply.

My Case ID 2632555 as given by them

Company: Living Media India Limited
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

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Tampering with Anti-Theft security system at first paid service (Millennium Mobility, Pune)

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club

India Today Book Club
Efund amount not received

Wrong information and offe