India Today Group
No Refund of Scientific American subscription canecellation

Newspapers & Magazines

Sir / Ma'am,

I am subscriber of Scientific American India Sub No. SAI1539565 for three years from Dec till nov. In January Living Media group stopped publication of SCI AM India and informed that refund of Rs 1210 will be done in three weeks time that is by 31- Jan. It has been more than SIX MONTHS ONE NOW. Despite innumerable telephonic/mail follow ups, i have not received my refund i.e. Rs 1210/- .

I shall be highly grateful if i get my money (Rs.1210/-) at the very earliest.

Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated and I shall always remain obliged.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours Truly,

Rajeev Gupta


Company: India Today Group
Country: India
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