Nestle NAN PRO Infant formula 1
Poor quality


The NAN PRO Infant formula carton with Lot no: 12360453B3 05:24 MFD/ Expiry date: AUG 11/ AUG12, is not only of poor quality but also has brown impurities. and it is absolutely unfit for consumption. it is infant formula that is meant for babies from birth to 6 months. my 4 month old infant vomited after drinking it. so i had to buy another tin of NAN1 Pro this time the baby is fine. one thing i noticed is that the quality, texture and even smell of both carton and tin are entirely different. and the price difference is rs.10. so for just rs.10 the company is playing with the life of infants. if anything was to happen to my son who is responsible? they increase the price of NAN PRO Infant formula every time then aren't they responsible to provide quality product!

Company: Nestle NAN PRO Infant formula 1
Country: India
State: Kerala
City: Kannur
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