Country Club
Fraudulent method of making members

Recreation & Entertainment

Both me and my brother were fooled into becoming members by giving exclusive commitments and privileges. We have now filed a complaint as stated below.

The letter stand as follows:

When my brother Anand M Shah spoke to Mr. Ali at the Customer Care, Country Club Vacations, he was told that they were helpless in this matter, 'cause we do not have a proof in writing that we were given commitments by you employee Sadhu Santosh (I guess he is a Line Manager) to enjoy the privileges as written in the enclosed letter.

Do you think we are fools that from the same family both my brother and me have taken membership by paying an upfront payment of Rs. 30, 000/- to Country Vacations. Firstly my brother became a member on 23rd April' 07 and then when he mentioned about these exclusive benefits, I spoke to Sadhu Santosh in his presence and was convinced to become a member as per the exclusive commitments and privileges enclosed in the letter. At the said time in your hotel - Amrutha Castle, believing that this could be a joke, we again and again asked him the same and Sadhu Santosh was firm in his commitments.

Are you not aware of such fraudulent employees like "Sadhu Santosh" who commit such kind of privileges & statements to make members for your club. It wouldn't take much time to publish his open book with the newspapers along with his photograph if he does not revert back to us by next week.

Mr. Ali asked my brother to speak to his manager Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh and see what can happen. We are not here to see what can happen, we became members to enjoy the privileges committed by your employee Sadhu Santosh.

At this point I expect Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh to arrange a meeting between your sales personnel "Sadhu Santosh", himself and my brother "Anand Shah" and me "Samir Shah". If this does not happen, kindly reimburse our amount that we have paid to become members of the club and close the chapter.

With regards to Sandhu Santosh, if he does not get back to us, this mail would go to various parties including your Managing Director / Chairman Mr. Rajeev Reddy and the concerned board members. This exposure would just not be by emails, we would send registered letters across to ensure that anyone and everyone would know what kind of FRAUD is implemented openly to make members for your club.

If you do not revert back to me at the earliest, I wouldn't mind spending another Rs. 30, 000/- to expose this kind of fraud across various segments of the Market and Advertisers with photographs. This would also go to Newspapers like Deccan Chronicle and Times of India.

In my worst dreams I would have never expected a listed company in Stock Market, like Country Club / Country Vacations would employ such fraudulent people to promote memberships by means of absolute false commitments.

Company: Country Club
Country: India
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