Not able to book ticket between 8 to 9 AM

Traveling & Tourism

Since last 3 days i am trying to book tickets in Tatkal quoto for which i sits from 8 to 9 am.

After giving try 50 times atleast ..i able to login 2 or 3 times.

Next step to search for shows Service unavailable.

After that i succed to go next step "identification code does not appears.

if by god gress if go to next step... when i click Book it definatly displays Service unavailable.

Probably this is the known problem then why they donts want to resolve?

Or IRTCT have no software professional to handel the situation?

I can undestand that its again govt. site cant expect more than this disaster... but they know cusotmer dont have any option...

I also suggest that irctc should give gift vaucher or awards if possible if a person gets succeed to book ticket between 8-8:3 in taltal quota... HHaaaaaa

I next discussion i will come with some ideas on Awards/Gift gigven to end customer...

By for now...

Shashikant R.

Company: IRTCT
Country: India
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