Holiday Stay voucher
Non receipt of booking

Traveling & Tourism

India Today Book Club is cheating public openly with luring ads of giving different items discounted price and calling people illegally. They sold me a Holiday Voucher in May for Rs.5943/- for providing one week stay at a resort. But now company is not responding despite regular chasing. Reputated media group such as INDIA TODAY is cheating public openly.

Company: Holiday Stay voucher
Country: India
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Online complaint for indiatodaybook club, not able to reddem free holiday voucher of 5000 Rs

Not able to avial Holiday Vouche

Holiday voucher not recived

India Today Book Club / Holiday Voucher for 7 nights at Rs 5943
Non Reciept of Promotional code

ITrust BPO Solutions
High class BPO only give special training programs

Makemytrip Shiftthoughts voucher
Cheating while selling the Shiftthought vouche

Kingfisher Airlines
Refund of Voucher issued in lieu of cancellation of tickets

India Today Book Club
Complimentary gifts not recieved, misbehaviour by tele calling and customer care excecutives