Train ticket
Online Train booking

Traveling & Tourism

If i use the Debit card for Online Train Booking but, card is not accepted they answer me the your card is not authorised

What can i do, please reply me ASAP

Company: Train ticket
Country: India
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IRCTC Service
Cancellation of PNR # 4306767254

Indian Railways
5 minutes stopover for Bangalore City Junction

Bus Booking
Unable to Board..still no refund

Not giving the web hosting service to customer after taking the required fees of Rs. 2500/- for three years

Not refund my money

Indian Railway
I am not getting the refund of e ticket- cancellation done

Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268

E Ticket Cancel/ Refund/ID Deactiveted
Irctc Not responsing to My Mails
Worng ststus for money refund