Refund of train ticket

Traveling & Tourism

I had Cancelled a Train ticket with pnr 8165699540 i am yet to receive the refund. It has almost been a 20 days since i cancelled it.please go through the same and refund it as soon as possible.

Company: NGPAY
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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IRCTC Service
Cancellation of PNR # 4306767254

Indian Railways
5 minutes stopover for Bangalore City Junction

Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268

Complaint not resolved regarding refund

Indian Railways refund
Indian Railways reservation refund
Worng ststus for money refund

Not refund my money

Make My Trip on NGPAY
Refund Overdue

Indian Railway
I am not getting the refund of e ticket- cancellation done