Delhi-gurgaon expressway
Tag users charged more


I commute daily from my home to office using the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway. Since this is the case, I decided to buy a express tag for my vehicle so that I can avail the 50% discount in toll fee. As per the website, the tag users are required only to pay Rs. 9 as opposed to Rs. 18 which are charged from the non-tag users. To avail this incentive one has to buy a device for Rs. 1500. as operation and maintanance charges for the device.

I went to the expressway office to buy this device and get my car registered. To my dismay, the customer relationship officer informed me that even if I buy the tag I will still be chrged the rates applicable to a non-tag user which is Rs. 18. When asked why was this the case, the officer told me that their server was down and he doesn't have any idea as to when it will get fixed.

Also, why is the private developer allowed to charge a fee for the device when these guys were distributing them for free in the begining. Is it legal for them to keep demanding the fee and not providing the service. What are they asking the 1500 rupees for if the consumer has no incentive. They were given the land rights only on preconditions of achieving the performance parameters.

I as a consumer and a tax payer feel cheated by the construction company and also by the cuthority for not taking appropriate actions. Will we let this continue and make matters worse for future generations to come or we plan to take action.

I am going to file a written complaint against the company through the RTI and will surely contemplate a legal recourse.



Company: Delhi-gurgaon expressway
Country: India
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Aakash Services Dr MM Shukla 501 Shakuntala Building
Aakash Services Dr MM Shukla 501 Shakuntala Building

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Delhi Gurgaon Expressway - Toll Plaza Gate 13 did not provide receipt at 03:50am on 27-aug

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