Blood sucking bed bugs


I had travelled from Sagar (Shimoga dist) to Bangalore on 18th Nov night. It was Ksrtc Rajahamsa bus.as it was wednesday, bus was damn empty, I was happy to find my own seat and dozed off. 1 hour later I could see bed bugs have taken over my body. It was so horrible and few of us talked to the conductor who argued saying bus is clean and he has never bitten by bed bug. Immidiatle one clever person who was travelling with us caught hold of a bed bug which was runinng on his arm and showed it to him. Finally he decided to stop on the road and get us another bus which relatively had less number of bed bugs. I used to prefer ksrtc against private buses because of bed bug reason. But now ksrtc is beating the private players by large margin. So now I have decided not to travel in these buses anymore and prefer a day time train till the time it gets affected. Pathetic service by these ksrtc and private buses.

I suggest stop travelling in these until they fix it. If by chance you get attaked by these then make sure you put all your cloths, bags etc in a boiling water so that they die, else you can not eliminate these bugs. a single bug can replicate millions without a mate.also study says they survive without food for almost 4 years.

Think many times before boarding these buses.

Company: KSRTC
Country: India
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