I Tarun Juneja had applied for a Club Mahindra membership two years back. They offered me a trip with the membership worth Rs.2, 75000/-. I paid the initial money Rs. 47000/- approx. but after availing the trip I found that this is not worthwhile. Then I stopped rest of the EMI and requested them to cancel my membership on phone. After a long time I got a mail from them asking for reactivation of membership. But I wrote them that I want to cancel the membership and asked for the refund of Registration amount of Rs.47000/-. Now these people are denying for the refund. Please help me out if I don't want to take the membership why I am being penalised for a huge amount of Rs.47000/-.
Below is the mail I had written to them.
Tripti Gupta
10:57 AM (5 hours ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Juneja
Greetings from Mahindra Holidays!
We have received the letter for cancellation of your membership and are concerned that you wish to opt out of your membership.
We draw your attention to the membership rules, Clause No 6.1 about cancellation of the membership. Regret that there would be no refund towards cancellation of your membership as per the above clause.
In view of the large amount you stand to lose, we once again urge you to reconsider your decision to cancel the membership.
Should you at any time in future, reconsider your decision, we shall be happy to welcome you back to the Club.
Tripti Gupta
Credit Management.
From: TARUN JUNEJA [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, January 29 11:27 AM
To: Tripti Gupta
Subject: Fwd: Tarun Juneja 1462740 Deactivation
Hi Tripti,
Waiting for your reply. Please process my refund and send at the below address
Tarun Juneja
36C CA Block Shalimar Bagh
&&&- Forwarded message &&&-
Date: Sat, Jan 21 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Tarun Juneja 1462740 Reactivation
To: Tripti Gupta
Hi Tripti,
I would like to cancel my membership. Kindly refund my Registration amount.
Tarun Juneja