Dear sir,
we are the dealer of philips&electrolux products (pe electroincs).we have one compliant regarding the stock we received from the beginning dut we have noticed few days before .the compliant was the company is sending us the dent stock (repaired stock) of refrigerator.we think that's the mistake was happened when the stock was dispatched from go down but we noticed that it was not mistake and they have send the stock with knowing every thing because this in not one consignment stock i have at present, it happened every time we received the stock beeause the purchased dates are different at present we have fifteen refrigerators in that nine refrigerators are dent stock .we have paid money for new stock as per there price for new stock and our customers are also paying money for the new stock.hear we have stock from the date
30-05 its invoice number is 677100282 on the day we have purchased two pieces in that one was sold and another one was there its sc: no:925040288102200015 model: no: refedl284beg-rfk,
22-06 its invoice number is 677100282 on the day we have purchased eight pieces in that we have sold seven pieces one was remained its sc: no:210411261529600029, model: no: refedl294ber-rfk,
23-11its invoice number is 677100558 on the day we have purchased eleven pieces and we have sold six pieces five was remaining in that four pieces ard repaired stock there se: no:210411261525900148, 210411261525900132 model: no: refedl254bew-rfk, sc: no:210711261526400523, 210711261526400573 model: no: refedl254bdh-rfk,
27-08its invoice number is 677100448 on the day we have purchased fourty pieces in that we have repaired stock one at present remaining some pieces are sold and some where are remaining its sc: no:925040369102500683, model: no: refedp195hw-rds
and two more dent stock are there we are having these pieces in our total purchased of one hundred sixteen pieces in that how many dent stock are there at customers we don't know for these i am sending some pictures and there invoices they are telling that it happened unfortunately and they said that will replace the stock immediately but in future if our customers ask us why did u sell the repaired stock what i have to tell my customers . we have paid money before the delivery of the stock but they are cheating the dealers by sending the repaired stock and telling that it comes like that from the company manufacturing unit.we have requested them to see the images of there stock and tell the right reason, dut till this day they have no sir please make the consumer favo