» Miscellaneous » Review / complaint: CLI3L e-Services Limited - Incorrect Billing/High discrepancy | News #174312

CLI3L e-Services Limited
Incorrect Billing/High discrepancy


My name's Manish and I'm writin' this email with reference to Mob # 91-9900138543. Just to give u guys a hint tht I'm totally psyched@ the moment over ya inexpicable billin' behavior n u hv no idea abt the kinda uv D.A.M.A.G.E tht I can do 2 ya company, to put it mildly!!!

This is my Corporate connexion n I'm havin' this number for mths 2gether now! Frankly speakin', the connexion is reliable n the network's strong, however I wanna register my displeasure n dis-sat over ya irrational billin' methodologies... To begin with, I always had sth or the other 2 take up with Airtel, rite from the 1st day uv my subscription with u folks; tht's not the kinda impression u guys can let ya customers go with! I myself work for the billin' deptt in one uv the MNC's n I'm the Business Head in tht Section. No one can explain better when we it cumes 2 contemplatin' over decreasin' C-SAT n settin' the expectations right, without any put-ons! It's not easy, trust me, n it takes a lot uv doin'...

To make long story short, it's abt discrepancy in billin' against my connexion- 9900138543, however I'd still appreciate it if look things over n try 2 ferret out the mistake@ ya end!

This mornin' when I woke up I saw one sms from Airtel askin' me to make the payment uv Rs. 9273.97 against my usage! It's was one hell uv a thin', trust me I really got freaked out! The message read, "Your Airtel mobil bill dated 21-NOV-07..." Back on 19th I received a reminder from u guys sayin', "This is to inform you that your total usage is Rs. 4751 & is nearin' your credit limit of Rs. 5900..."

I wanna know How the hell on earth can the billin' shoot up from Rs. 4751 to a sky-rocketin' Rs. 9274 in a mere three days time, infact less than that if we take it by the hrs- Tht's B.I.Z.A.R.R.E!!

I want a legitimate explanation uv this n I'm not a quitter for devil's sake, PLZ!

Few things more...

1. I was on roamin' from 16th Oct-19th Nov. I never called up your CS to activate my ROAMIN'! And if u say tht it's automatic, then answer this&I remember goin' outta station THRICE with the same handset and same connexion; my roamin' was not activated then. I also called up ya CS 4 the activation uv the same back then, but ya Representative turned down my request sayin' tht it's a Corporate Connexion n tht I'd hv 2 fork out Rs. 1000 to get it activated! U cld see nil usage durin' this time!

2. My Credit Limit was increased from Rs. 4700 to Rs. 5900 without my approval n knowledge; I came 2 know abt my revised credit limit only on 19th when u folks sent me the reminder tht am nearin' my credit limit! How on earth can u guys take a call on your Customers' a/c without his/her seal uv approval!!??? I knew my credit limit uv Rs. 4700 and I had my own calculations wrt the limit!

3. I was never notified abt the increased usage by your deptt!! Lettin' me exceed Rs.500/Rs. 1000 is still Ok, seein' my previous billin' records, BUT A DISCREPANCY OF ALMOST RS. 5000 is just NOT ACCEPTABLE! I'm not gonna pay u guys a dime, green? Are your people really workin' out there, I doubt! You need some serious audit session or give ur guys (junks rather) pink slip n be free forever; they just don't cut out for the job role n r a dead loss 2 ya organization...

4. Your Reps can't speak English 4 nuts... GET RID OFF 'EM!

5. Initially when I got the connexion, I was conned by ya Rep/promoters! That's not the way u guys earn business across the globe- I'm shocked!! Of the plan, I was told tht I'd get 600 mins free anywhere local, but later after noticin' the discrepancy again, came 2 know tht it's 600 mins free excludin' AIRTEL subscribers! What shit is tht supposed to be!!!

I dnt wanna make it too long, just fix my problem n lemme accept the partin' of the ways in a gentle manner! Rest depends on u, how u decide 2 handle it...

Thanks and Regards,

Manish Gupta.


Company: CLI3L e-Services Limited

Country: India

Category: Miscellaneous


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