» Religion » Review / complaint: Malls in Pune - Noisy malls- play loud music, organise events over mikes and give all shoppers and shop keepers a headache | News #392815

Malls in Pune
Noisy malls- play loud music, organise events over mikes and give all shoppers and shop keepers a headache

Almost all Malls in Pune are exceedingly noisy due to loud music beong played in them. There are continuous announcements over mikes and no one can make out what they are saying. It completely spoils the shopping experience and we return with a headache. I have not seen music being centrally boradcast (and that too so loudly) in any mall abroad- at the most a few stores in the malls may choose to play some music but at very soft levels so as not to distueb the customers. As it is the traffic noise pollution and construction noise in Pune is the max as compared to any pther city in the country. It is time this practice is stopped imendiately.

Company: Malls in Pune

Country: India   State: Maharashtra   City: Pune

Category: Religion


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