» Business & Finance » Review / complaint: CU Marketing, Andheri - Where is the case status at? | News #186472

CU Marketing, Andheri
Where is the case status at?


I am not too sure if anyone woudl even respond to this, but i am giving it a try as well as i am not too sure of what source can provide me with information.

My father had invested all his hard earned money in this company, and since the intervention of the police - there has been no sign of refunds apart from a mere 500 per policy that was given a long time ago. A whole lot of promises were made, but even today after 13 years we heard nothing about this case, it just goes to show how poor our Indian law system is. In 1998, that money was good enough for my parents to buy a house and today even if the government promises to give me the money back i would barely be able to even afford a hatchback car.

If anyone could just help me get my fathers hard earned money back... :)

Company: CU Marketing, Andheri

Country: India   State: Maharashtra   City: Mumbai City

Category: Business & Finance


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