» Internet & Web » Review / complaint: - Money debited order not recvd | News #221446
Money debited order not recvd

Here is the debit details:-order has been placed on 13/05, but order not recd still in pending status, lot of emal sent but no hope...

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Account transactions shown: 09/05 To 16/05

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Note: Historical transactions can be viewed only upto 90 days. For transaction details beyond this period, please call Phone Banking or visit your nearest branch.

Date Transaction Currency Deposit Withdrawal Running Balance

14/05 ATM WITHDRAWAL-SWITCH AT NFS 10:52:32/625 00000 INR 1, 000.00 20, 451.24

13/05 PAYMENT GATEWAY FASHNVIA.COM 0000000-0000-0000- INR 599.00 21, 451.24

09/05 INR 21, 929.00 22, 050.24


Country: India   State: Delhi   City: East Delhi

Category: Internet & Web


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