» Miscellaneous » Review / complaint: GSRTC - Senseless Behavior of Bus conducte | News #244999

Senseless Behavior of Bus conducte

The conductor of the bus are showing a kinda attitude where if a passenger is asking for the change and if they have it they do not give it and sometimes they even try to talk in a high pitch which is not exactly their job.

Today (29-01) i was travelling the bus GSRTC with the route (Gandhinagar to Ahmedabad), the conductor asked me for ticket, the cost was Rs. 16 and i gave him Rs. 20 where he asked me for 6 rupees change i was not having that, and he told me he would be giving me that later.

When i reached the stop i asked for the change he said give me six rupees i wasnt having that and he thrice repeated why dont you have it give me the change and the voice texture was not at all appropriate, then he gave me Rs. 4 back, i saw there was probably 20 rupees change with him. And we had a quarrel i found it really bad, who the hell is he to talk in that manner and when he is having the change why they are asking for the change. Sometimes in a rush people do not get a chance to get the change back.

When it comes to unity this stupid idiotic people raising out there voice without any sense, like there are the one who owns the bus. These guys should be removed from the job they feel like they are the only people working for government.

As considering they have got the job through reference and being an unknown about how to behave with the passenger they should not be appointed.

Name of the driver :- Bhurabhai Dehi

Conductor name was not given to me he was in a high pitch telling me get the number of the bus and find my name u would get that and do whatever u wish to do.

Bus No. :- GJ1835962

Take some action if you guys could else people or the citizen are not getting the appropriate treatment behaviour from the government employee end.

Company: GSRTC

Country: India   State: Gujarat   City: Ahmedabad

Category: Miscellaneous


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